The Roli Seaboard takes a traditional keyboard, eliminates the indvidual keys, and allows the user to manipulate the sound via a soft, continuous surface. As explained on their website:
The Seaboard’s polyphonic pitch bend, vibrato and per-note dynamic changes are all available at your fingertips, marrying the intuitiveness of a traditional instrument with the versatility of digital technology.
Continuous touch enables you to sound a note and then take it on a musical journey, modulating its pitch, volume and timbre through one continuous gesture. The unique form of passive tactile feedback offered by the Seaboard makes it easy to sense the slightest change in pressure, thus offering a far more organic experience than traditional aftertouch.
What's that sound like? Um… pretty cool:
So... who will be the first in the jam scene to feature of of these things prominently? I've always admired Phish's ability to integrate new and interesting instruments (Theremin, Mini Drum Kit, Marimba Lumina, Vacuum Cleaner), particularly in some of their most "out there" jams. Perhaps this can be an arrow in Page McConnell's quiver?
I could also see Kyle Hollingsworth, Joel Cummins or Marco Benevento putting a Seaboard through its paces.
With the Seaboard, you can continuously adjust the volume and timbre of each note with the subtlest changes in pressure. Press harder and the note crescendos, soften your touch and the note will soften to match. And with individual volume response to each note, the dynamics it enables are as expressive as they are intuitive
Running along both the top and the bottom of the playing surface are smooth pitch ribbons. They make it easy to start playing one keywave, then slide to any other keywave you choose in one fluid gesture, even allowing multiple notes to glissando independently at the same time.
Who else do you think could really take advantage of these features?
A little more on the $8888.88 instrument in the videos below. Do we need to get a Kickstarter going?