One of our more popular posts ever came in the wake of some rumored (but never materialized) Phish / Dave Matthews Band combo festival dates for the summer of 2011. We re-posted an infographic comparing fan reactions and perceptions about the respective bands and people just couldn't get enough.
A perhaps just-as-polarizing comparison is the ongoing Phish vs. Widespread Panic debate perpetuated by fans of each band. I happen to be a big fan of both bands, but certainly enjoy sitting on the sidelines to watch the fans sling mud at each other.
Enter, a new site that serves as a hub and service for fans of infographics like us. One of their first features is a way to enter two twitter feeds and generate an infographic comparing the two based on a computerized analysis of their feeds. Whether this is actually informative in any meaningful way is debatable (Netflix!?! WTF?) , but it is fun to see such a slick looking infographic produced solely by data analysis. One of our twitter followers even found himself listed among Phish's "Strongest Connections".
Thanks to @PhishTwit for bringing this to my attention.