Words & Photos: Matt Van Gronigen
The crowd was packed tight and it was a challenge to navigate the bodies during of Nicki Bluhm & the Gramblers performance at Lincoln Hall. As part of this event, the audience submitted their dreams to be projected on the wall during the performance. Yes, World Peace made the list, but so did hanging out with Nicki and The Gramblers, and for many in attendance this show was clearly something they'd been looking forward to for a while.
Bluhm is a woman of obvious talent and style -- eschewing flash or drama in favor of substance. From the stage, she interacts with the crowd conversationally and directly. Meanwhile, her partner and co-conspirator Tim Bluhm alternates between piano, acoustic and electronic guitar, and even takes over lead vocals for a few songs. He, along with the rest of the band, also contribute many of the songs.
And it was the unity and familiarity, amongst the band and the audience, that stood out the most. We were all Gramblers on this night.
You can check out a recording from the band's performance at Lincoln Hall earlier this year below this photo set.
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