Jan 14, 2014
Guest Post by Paul Abella. Paul is a musician, radio host, pundit and early supporter of The Barn Presents. As a jazz guy who actively embraces and celebrates jambands like Grateful Dead and Phish, and even champions jammers on our local scene, his sensibilities are a natural fit for the site. He offered to provide...
Jan 10, 2014
As with last year, I'm not going to try to rank the best shows, songs or albums of the year (though some thoughts on albums are here and here). I want to use my year end list to capture the musical things that had the biggest impact on me -- and also provide an excuse...
Oct 3, 2013
It was another fine fall weekend with Widespread Panic in Milwaukee. Indeed, these are great times to be a Panic fan, and these shows really drove that home, so I'm offering a list of reasons why, with the Milwaukee run as my supporting detail. Special thanks to Adam Misewski and The Riverside Theater for use...
Jan 30, 2013
Are you annoyed when you see "Year In Review" type articles start popping up around the end of November? If so, I hope you're not offended by a late-January 2012 summary...The Barn is offering a few different attempts at 2012 recap. The first is my list of the best musical things of the year - a...
Jan 30, 2013
The 2012 Bakers Dozen by @WeirScrewedAll in all, 2012 was a pretty decent year in music. Some new acts burst onto the scene and some veteran artists returned with new offerings. This list of thirteen albums represents some of what I have been listening to and enjoying this year. By no means is this list all-inclusive, it...
Jan 30, 2013
Here is a summary of the most popular content on The Barn Presents over the last year. These don't include the Furthur and Phish Rotation (or Announcement) Infographics which actually were more popular than any of these. I chose not to include them as they are continually updated.10. Wilco held its Chicago area summer...
Dec 4, 2012
We all know that bigger isn't always better... except when it is. The chemistry the develops between a tight knit band, performing over a long career isn't easily replicated and can be jeopardized if elements are changed or added. But additions aren't always disruptions. Sometimes they can be catalysts, too -- taking complacent groups into...
Oct 30, 2012
Any day with great music is like a holiday, but there are certain days on the calendar that make the live music experience even more celebratory. Even without music, the transformation that occurs in late autumn takes on a surreal, ominous tone, it's no wonder that ancient societies create myth and ritual that mirrored the...
Oct 5, 2012
With so much great music out there, I have a hard enough time keeping up with English speaking bands, not to mention all instrumental groups.But, every so often I get a feel for crossing the language barrier. Maybe I'm looking for vocal music, but want to remain blissfully unaware of the lyrics. Maybe I...
Sep 1, 2012
Another year at Dick's, another wild setlist "stunt" for Phish. Here are ten reasons why I think spelling F-U-C-K--Y-O-U-R--F-A-C-E with the first letter of each song was so inspired.1. It is an acknowledgement what happened "just last year". Nearly one year ago to the day, in the exact same location, Phish trotted out the "S"...